Welcome to CampusDirector for Oregon State Panhellenic!

If you have already signed up, click here to login to your account.

We hope you have had a great recruitment experience and are looking forward to Preference Round today!

As a reminder, here is the event schedule for Friday. Your PNM Meeting is at 5:00pm in a location specific to your group, contact your Gamma Chi’s for more information!

Event times:

  • Event 1: 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm 

  • Event 2: 7:10 pm - 8:00 pm

  • Event 3: 8:20 pm - 9:10 pm 

  • Event 4: 9:30 pm - 10:20 pm 

Once you have attended ALL your events, you need to come to the MU Lounge to submit your preference immediately! The line to submit preferences will get very long so you don't want to delay if you finish earlier in the evening. There will be Gamma Chis at the MU to chat through your decisions with you if you need assistance!

If you have any questions about our recruitment process, please contact our Vice President of Recruitment, Kate Walsh, at PanhellenicVP-Recruitment@oregonstate.edu.


Next tell us a little about yourself:

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